Welcome to Newquay University Centre, Cornwall College and your first year of studying FdSc Zoology with Ecology and Conservation with us. You are about to join a passionate, forward thinking community of people who want to make a change to our natural world - and where better to do this than in a stunning Cornish location. Whether its wind swept moors, warm beaches or ancient forests - Cornwall has it all, right on your doorstep. At the Newquay campus, we don't just preach, we DO... and we will get you involved along the way... whether its staff research projects, habitat management, wildlife surveys or campaigning to be the difference.
Through a combination of lectures, workshops, practical sessions and field trips you will learn the skills d knowledge to conserve wildlife both in the UK and abroad, wherever your passion lies. Whilst studying with us you will have the opportunity to join an organisation, whether a zoo or wildlife charity, to gain hands-on work experience. In preparation, it is worth while now starting to look for placements. More information will be given in tutorials during the first few weeks of term.
In the induction week you will meet the team, the rooms where you will be taught and see some of the local area, however if you have any questions please ask !
I look forward to meeting you all in September,
John Blackburn, BSc (Hons), MSc, MCIEEM
FdSc Programme Manager: Zoology with Ecology & Conservation