Mearns, D. and Thorne, B. (2000) Person-Centred Therapy Today: New Frontiers in Theory and Practice, London, Sage
Mearns, D. and Dryden, W. (eds) (1990) Experiences of Counselling in Action London: Sage
Megan Rose Stafford, Bond, T. and Culley, S. (2020). Counselling Skills in Action. Los Angeles: Sage.
Merry, T. (2020). Learning and Being in Person-Centred Counselling (Third Edition). Monmouth: PCCS Books
Nelson-Jones, R. (1995) The Theory and Practice of Counselling. London: Cassell
Rogers, C.R (1995) New Edition A Way of Being. Toronto: Houghton Mifflin
Rogers, C.R (1961) On Becoming a Person. London: Constable
Sanders, P. (2012) second edition. The Tribes of the Person-Centred Nation: An introduction to the schools of therapy related to the Person-Centred Approach. PCCS Books: TJ International
Stafford, M.R. and Bond, T. (2020). Counselling Skills in Action. 4th ed. London: Sage.
Tolan, J. (2003) Skills in person Centred Counselling and Therapy. London: Sage
Recommended Texts and Sources
Amis, K. (2017). Boundaries, Power and Ethical Responsibility in Counselling and Psychotherapy. London Sage. Sage publications
BACP (2021) Ethical Framework for Good Practice in Counselling and Psychotherapy.
Bond, T. (2009). Standards and Ethics for Counselling in Action. London: Sage Publications.
Buchannan, L and Hughes, R. (2003) Experiences of Person-centred Counselling Training. Ross-on-Wye, PCCS Books.
Egan, G. (2022) The Skilled Helper, Pacific Grove, Brookes Cole.
Feltham, C and Horton, I. (2000) Handbook of Counselling and Psychotherapy. London, Sage
Hawkins, P and Shohet, R. (2000) Supervision in the Helping Professions. Maidenhead, Open University
Howard, A. (2004) Counselling and identity: self-realisation in a therapy culture, Basingstoke, Palgrave Macmillan
Inskipp, F and Proctor, B. (1995) Making the Most of Supervision. London, Cascade.
Potter, V. (1998) Is Counselling Training for You? Cambridge, Sheldon Press
Lago,C & Smith,B (2003) Anti-discriminatory Counselling Practice London, Sage
Wheeler, S (ed) (2006) Difference and Diversity in Counselling Basingstoke, Palgrave McMillan