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Shape the Digital Marketplace
Unlocking Potential
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Unlocking Potential

Shape the Digital Marketplace

Overview of topic

The Digital Transformation team would like to invite you to a practical morning event, to help shape the direction of the Digital Marketplace, on Thursday 10th March.

As part of the project, we’re working towards building greater connections, conversations and collaborations between the diverse and vibrant business community of Cornwall who are seeking and eager to transform their business through digital, and our expert tech sector who are at the forefront of digital change.

This is where the ‘Digital Marketplace’ comes in, but in order for this to work and continue to work as the world evolves - we want you to help us shape it. As leading businesses who have already started your digital transformation journey, you are perfectly placed to guide our understanding of the wants and needs of our business community.

We are already trialling and testing the Marketplace vision with digital business owners and leaders across Cornwall, but we need to get a broader view of the challenges faced by businesses who are trying to purchase, or contract and implement a new digital solution.

What's been your experience of getting tech support for your business, or finding the knowledge to help with identifying potential solutions? What were you feeling when you started to think you might need a new (digital) Tech solution?

These are the sorts of questions we need answering to enable us to create a Marketplace that is going to be useful, supportive and ultimately help your business to grow through digital, now and in the future.

Self enrolment (Student)